Wednesday, October 05, 2022


At the Leadership Offsite this week....

  • A newer leader whom I've never met in person comes up to me and says, "I just wanted to say... I so appreciate your humor.  You are so funny."
  • During a discussion on "Speak Up Culture", I encouraged all leaders to not hesitate to ask the dumb question.  You may know the answer... but someone else might not.  Another newer leader whom I've never met commented, "I've seen you do that.  And it helps.  Thanks."
  • While sharing some person struggles to change, a leader was pouring his heart out on the uncertainty when coming to his new job.  I shared the same thing.. but I found a confidant to confide with.  He quipped... "You're always so uppidty-up. I would've never thought you were having problems."  And one of my direct report says, "Hank has a lot of energy."
All that being said...  I am who I am, not cuz what I want to create a persona. But people are watching and observing.  That's my the legacy or better yet... it's my Hank-gacy. 

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