Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Try outs... team selection

Day 3 of tryouts.  Right away... I can tell that SW is in the lower tier of players. No knock on him.. other than he other boys in the upper tier played club... or are physically bigger and more gifted.  During the 2nd day's "tryouts", when Coach Jacob separated the boys into two teams... it cemented the fact he won't make A-team.  And then when the boys scrimmaged... it was obvious he was one of the better players in that lower tier.  He wasn't gonna get cut.

Turns out... with players dropping out... no one was cut.  And today... when Coach Jacob separated the sheep and the goats... the elites and non-elites... Team A and Team B... I knew that SW was gonna be in team B. 

After tryouts were over and we were waiting for NN... I had a sit down with SW.  His classmates/teammates were a shouting distance away...  and they were excited about making Team A.  I saw that SW was upset.  So I asked him, "Are you sad you didn't make it into Team A?" While holding tears back in his eyes... he said, "A little."

Yes... son... it is sad.  Life will throw you these curveballs. Sometimes... it's unfair.  Other times... it's just life.  Work hard son.  Earn your way onto the starting lineup.  You can do it.  Bah B is so proud of you.

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