Sunday, May 28, 2023

Practice Pays Off...

 There's no secret about playing an instrument... Practice Practice Practice.  Practice isn't fun.  It's repetitive.  It's hard.  It's slow - especially when learning something new or trying to master a new technique.  Didn't have any time to practice the worship songs the past few days and it really showed during worship practice.  The other musicians are seasoned and masters of their own form.  I'm learning an instrument.. learning to play as a team.  It was soooo soooo bad.

Spent the rest of Saturday in the garage knocking out song after song.  Figuring out beats and tempo.  Watching Youtube videos of savants gracefully swim their way through the songs.  

The practice really paid off... especially for the one song where I spent literally 3-4 hours studying.  The other 2 songs... I got by.  But the one song that I spent no more than 30 minutes on... really stuck out like a sore thumb.  Not only did it have syncopation (whatever that means).  It was a slow developing song where you can't hide and any little mistake disrupts the entire symphony.  It got to a point where Chris had to turn around and count the beats with me.  

Some people will dig their heads and ostrich after such embarrassment.  For me... it's just another learning experience.  Luckily, these are all captured on Youtube.  Hopefully, I can rewatch this is 6-8 months and say, "Wow... that was me?!? I've come a long way!"  

(to be continued...)

Saturday, May 27, 2023


The past two weeks... I've had to park my car 2 city blocks away.  In the morning, I have to walk an additional 5-10 minutes to get to the car.  At night.. if it's past a certain time, I actually have to circle a bit to find a good parking spot.  Brings back memories of 1090 when I'll circle for hours to find a spot on the hilly streets of Russian Hill.  Memories bring back.. memories bring back... yo!

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

This wasn't supposed to happen!!!!

Was about to head to work when Joyce texts me that SW left something at home.  So instead of my usual routine, I rushed out.  But because the Miata is in the garage, I parked my commuter car on the street.  I grabbed my bag... SW's stuff. Instead of going out the front door and locking it from the outside, I did the stupid thing of running out the garage door, hurdling over the sensor like I'm jumping over landmines.  I walk the two blocks to my car only to realize... CRAP... I left the keys at home.

This isn't suppose to happen anymore!  They key fob ensures you have the key in your hand so you don't lock the keys in your car. The garage door opener ensures you're in the car with the remote control so you drive away and you're guaranteed a way back in.  Nowadays... doors and garages use numeric cypher locks where you don't even need a key!!  Well.. .that's exactly what I could've used today.  

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Slipping Through My Fingers

SW confides in me today... that after school was let out... he and his buddy walked two city blocks to the local 7-eleven.  

The old me would've ripped him apart.  How dangerous and irresponsible is that?! What if he got hurt... got in trouble... or worse...  But I didn't.  Instead, I heard him out.

He said his friend wanted to go but wanted someone to go along.  So I complimented him on being a good friend.

Then I asked if he told mommy yet.  He said no.... He knew he was in trouble.  And he knew he better come clean before we found out.  I complimented him on being honest and being brave enough to tell me.  Had I yelled at him or punished him... I can kiss all that goodbye.

I am a parent, still.  And I had to mention the dangers of what he did and the possible consequences.  All that... while in the back of my mind... I think back when I was his age.  I'd be roaming the crazy streets of San Franciso and no one would bat an eye.  

The first time he's openly admitted to breaking such a big rule.  Has he done it before? Hu knows.  Will he do it again.  As sure as the sun will rise from the east and as it's slipping through my fingers.  Ironically... a song made famous by... ABBA. 

Monday, May 22, 2023

Thanks, but no thanks

Was asked by the newly elected MA's to lead a couple of events at church.  I thought about it.  I hate to say no.  I almost said yes.  And in the end... I politely declined.  Can't do it.  Shouldn't do it.  Won't do it.  I will support... but you want me to lead? I don't have that energy or drive anymore.  Too distracted now. Thanks, but no thanks. 

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Oh the Places You'll Go!!

Annual request of their teachers to autograph the Dr. Seuss book, "Oh the Places You'll Go."  It started with NN in Kindergarten and I've been keeping the tradition alive.  Only this year... I've been so distracted there's only a week left.  And as I'm about to print the poem/letter.... turns out it's out of ink.  So I ended up handwriting the two letters.  Haven't written so much, in so long... my wrist was starting to ache.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Missed Opportunities

An elevator speech is something you prepare for those moments in time when you run across someone... and you have the time it takes for an elevator ride to make a last impression.

I had... and blew... one of those opportunities today when talking to SW's volleyball coach.  She tried to engage... and all I could do was hurry the conversation.  Now I'm kicking myself.  I wish I can travel back in time to talk about SW's growth... his strengths... his desires.  And plant the seed on how he can be her future setter or libero.  Ugh... so dumb of me.  Dumb dumb dummy. 

Wednesday, May 17, 2023


Hate is a strong word.  I tend to not use that word....and I tell my kids to not use that word unless the really mean it.  But when I hear the words, "I just made an appointment for a biopsy" or "又要做 biopsy", I have a visceral reaction. 

The waiting for the biopsy.

The actual biopsy.

The waiting for the results.

No...... no..... and NO!!!!!!!  I hate it!!! HATE!!!! With a passion.  Beyond the level of hate for the Seahawks or Dodgers (which is pretty high, already).  I hate it!!!!!!!!!!

Praying for you.

Sunday, May 14, 2023


19 years after coming to SJCAC... I move into another ministry that's long alluded me.  Sure.. I had that one Christmas worship session when everyone was out of town.  

Too man coincidences to say this is a self fulfilling ambition.  Summer drumming class.  Jce having to quit drumming for personal reasons.  End of my stint as MA and time opening up. A worship leading couple who believes in me even when I don't believe in myself.  The free electronic drum set gifted to me out of the blue. And my wife... who isn't the most open person... openly supporting me and coaching me.  

Have a loooooong way to go to be considered a bonafide drummer.  

Thursday, May 11, 2023


Every Wednesday night and Thursday morning... I get very apprehensive about teaching on Thursday night.  It's a constant struggle of finding the balance of teaching vs fun.  I try to research and think of fun ways to teach... and without missing it... it's always until the last minute that I finish with my lesson plan, curriculum, and power point charts.

And as most nights go... the lesson goes out with a BANG!!  

Tonight, especially, two students stayed behind and gave me accolades of being a good teacher (despite students yawning from a days long worth of work).

My hope still is... they all can feel the love from us... love from Jesus... and eventually come to Christ.

Saturday, May 06, 2023

Trials and Tribulations

Why is Home Insurance so expensive!??!? Well...maybe it's cuz when things happen.. they're there to answer. My insurance company, which shall remain unnamed, but is a very famous alliterative letter, was teeter-totting on not covering this mess cuz I didn't pay enough attention to the leak.  How am I suppose to know that the back of the fridge is leaking?!?! "You shoulda looked."  Can't win... simply can't win.  But luckily... they decided on covering water damage but not mold mitigation. 

I got the refrigerator guy to come out and diagnose the problem after struggling with paying the $80 service fee.  $80 for you to come out and look?!?!?  What if I don't want to repair it.  Geeez.... Then I stepped into another negotiating battle with a slimy repairman.  This is a dog eat dog world... if you're not vicious.. you will be swallowed alive.  

The Disaster Restoration guys show up... and off we go.  Demolition.  Confine space.  Air drying.  Mold mitigation.  But we didn't want them to demo too much... only to the places where the fridge will cover up.  They HIGHLY recommend removing all the wood that has moisture underneath.  I crossed my fingers and hoped that the moisture will eventually dry up... so we don't have to bother finding the same wood... same stain... same craftmanship.  No luck. 

Hardwood floor guy came... and said... you just gotta do it.  Bite the bullet.  Rip off the bandaid.  If it doesn't match... it doesn't match.  It's better than living with mold and buckling floors.  Lo and behold... the wood we chose, happened to be discontinued and unpopular these days.  Even if we wanted to... we can't replace it.  So now we're stuck going to Floor Shops, Home Depot, Lowe's... trying to find engineered wood that remotely matches the color.

And then... I had to call our potential renter to break the news that this house might not be ready by the beginning of June.  Ohhhhhhhhh..... when did life get so complicated?  

Tuesday, May 02, 2023

One thing after another

As we were finishing the emptying and cleaning of the garage... I suddenly notice that the bottom of the garage wall that is shared with the kitchen is seeping water.  Something is leaking and leaking bad.  

We got our plumber out to the site... pull out the fridge... and notice that there is immense water damage and buckling of the hardwood floor.  All due to a bursted plastic tube.  

Now... we have to deal with insurance claim.. refrigerator repair... and the never ending contractor to replace the wall, baseboard, cabinetry and hardwood floor.  All the while... we're narrowing down our choice of who to rent to.  This could not have happened at a worse time.  Well... I guess it could've happened much closer to the their move in date.  Or worse... after they move in.

It's one thing after another... never ends.