Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Slipping Through My Fingers

SW confides in me today... that after school was let out... he and his buddy walked two city blocks to the local 7-eleven.  

The old me would've ripped him apart.  How dangerous and irresponsible is that?! What if he got hurt... got in trouble... or worse...  But I didn't.  Instead, I heard him out.

He said his friend wanted to go but wanted someone to go along.  So I complimented him on being a good friend.

Then I asked if he told mommy yet.  He said no.... He knew he was in trouble.  And he knew he better come clean before we found out.  I complimented him on being honest and being brave enough to tell me.  Had I yelled at him or punished him... I can kiss all that goodbye.

I am a parent, still.  And I had to mention the dangers of what he did and the possible consequences.  All that... while in the back of my mind... I think back when I was his age.  I'd be roaming the crazy streets of San Franciso and no one would bat an eye.  

The first time he's openly admitted to breaking such a big rule.  Has he done it before? Hu knows.  Will he do it again.  As sure as the sun will rise from the east and as it's slipping through my fingers.  Ironically... a song made famous by... ABBA. 

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