Sunday, May 28, 2023

Practice Pays Off...

 There's no secret about playing an instrument... Practice Practice Practice.  Practice isn't fun.  It's repetitive.  It's hard.  It's slow - especially when learning something new or trying to master a new technique.  Didn't have any time to practice the worship songs the past few days and it really showed during worship practice.  The other musicians are seasoned and masters of their own form.  I'm learning an instrument.. learning to play as a team.  It was soooo soooo bad.

Spent the rest of Saturday in the garage knocking out song after song.  Figuring out beats and tempo.  Watching Youtube videos of savants gracefully swim their way through the songs.  

The practice really paid off... especially for the one song where I spent literally 3-4 hours studying.  The other 2 songs... I got by.  But the one song that I spent no more than 30 minutes on... really stuck out like a sore thumb.  Not only did it have syncopation (whatever that means).  It was a slow developing song where you can't hide and any little mistake disrupts the entire symphony.  It got to a point where Chris had to turn around and count the beats with me.  

Some people will dig their heads and ostrich after such embarrassment.  For me... it's just another learning experience.  Luckily, these are all captured on Youtube.  Hopefully, I can rewatch this is 6-8 months and say, "Wow... that was me?!? I've come a long way!"  

(to be continued...)

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