Tuesday, January 30, 2024

A Leaky Problem

Got a text from our tenant... we have a leaky roof.  Damnit!!!  Those remodelers continue to haunt us even though it's been so many years.  So I went on Yelp.... randomly finding roofers to look at our problems.  

The first person that responded was too busy... too many leaks going on with the atmospheric river.  The second person that responded was able to show up the next day.  His quote... $35,000 to replace the entire roof.  His claim... the material and the handiwork is suspect.  I quickly got a 2nd quote... that came out to be $1450.  What a difference.  A chasm the size of the Grand Canyon.  I found a 3rd contractor to quote me... and he's right in between... $10,000.  I didn't even bargain and was interested.  His surprised response... "Let's make a deal." 

We weighed the pros and cons.  The cost / risk benefit.  In the end... we went with the cheapest option.  Although deep down... I know that eventually I'm going to have to replace the entire thing.  Snake and Rat simply did not do their job.

Let's hope the roof holds up for the next storm.  

Monday, January 29, 2024


 Tried to stay away from the game today - but failed.  Started out with playing pickleball outside.. .but every now and then I'll take a peek at the score.  0-14.  Ugh....  Then I did a bunch of chores around the house.  And I couldn't control myself.  7-21. Then I sat down and read.... couldn't concentrate.  7-24. I started dozing off and almost feel asleep - which woulda been perfect.  10-24. Then around 3 hours into the game... when I gave myself the initial green light to sneak a peek. 24-24. OMG!!!!  I went downstairs and started to make dinner. 27-24 - we're in the lead.  FOCUS!! FOCUS!!!  Then I checked again... with 2 minutes left... 34-24.  "Ok... it's safe to watch now."  And even then... with a 10 point lead... it was still.... TORTURE...

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

When the lectur-ee becomes the lectur-er

Been walloped with another bout of the cold bug... just when I started to recover from the last cold.  This time it's hitting me so much harder.  SW came into my room last night and starts talking to me, "Bah B.... you need to rest more.  You're up so early and sleep so late.  You have to drink more water.  And stop wearing T-shirts.  You need to wear long sleeves - otherwise you'll 凍親。"  I was staring at him like he had 3 eyes and 4 noses.  Who IS this kid?!?!??!? 

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Good Vibes

Met with a handy man yesterday to get some quotes for the rental.... after meeting for about 30 minutes and shooting the breeze and such he went to his truck to grab his card.  I followed him to his truck about 10 seconds later and as he saw he come close he asks me, "Why are you so happy?" I was confused.  He then said, "You give off good vibes." 

Sunday, January 21, 2024

A Hairy Situation

A couple who we know some-what well walks up to me and hands me a bottle of hair loss recovery shower gel and advises me to rub it in for a few minutes every day after shampooing.  They weren't judgemental or anything... just very matter of fact.  Heh... 

Monday, January 15, 2024

Unexpected Results

Haven't watched one second of NN's volleyball team this season.  All I hear is her complain about this and that.  On day 1 of the tourney.. they won their first set!! Then they won their first game.  Then second game.  Lost third game in 3.  On day 2... they swept all their sets.  And on the last day... when they were in the championship bracket... they won their first two games handedly (without their starting OH).  

By the time it got to the championship game... 1 vs 2... they were out of gas.  But what a way to start the season!!  

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Nexus Summit

4 years later... we're back at the San Jose Sheraton.  Same concept... different name.  LEAD Summit in 2019 and NEXUS Summit today.  A conference on Leadership... and in reality... a means to build relationship to bring people to Jesus.  I was blessed to be invited to MC again.  For some rhyme or reason... I've built a reputation for being a 金牌司議。 I have no idea how that came to be.  

Still remember in the St. Mary Chinese school days... Mother's Day performance was a big deal and I was also asked to speak.  Maybe cuz I had a loud voice?? I dunno.

At SSPP... I MC'ed another Mother's Day event... which bombed.  I was totally unprofessional and not close to be funny. 

Then I started to have my break... the first one was Mission High's spirit rally in Senior Year.  I think that was the first time that I got accolades for my humor and performance.  Then slowly and surely... there were other speaking engagements.  And the one event that truly put me on the map... was Ken and So Chi's wedding.  I was initially invited to be the English translator.... but I captivated the entire audience.  And that launched me into a whole new stratosphere of a career.  For various events here and there... I continued to have the opportunity to sharpen my tools... including that fateful day 4 years ago where I was totally buttered up. Today...  after just 1-2 opportunities to speak... one of speakers came up to me and said, "You have a calling to be a stand up comedian."  She may have done it out of courtesy... but I can also tell... she was genuinely entertained. 

But the Summit isn’t about me… it’s about leadership, learning about ourselves, finding our faults, repairing those injuries and taking that next step towards our North Star. Of all the anecdotes and sound bites that I heard today… the one that stood out to me the most came from Jo Vitale… who answered a question about her biggest Mentor. In her case it was her father who was a Pastor that preacher on the pulpit and lived it at home. She shared that there were times she’ll be walking to the kitchen at 4AM to get a glass of water and she’ll see her dad on his knees praying and spending time with the person he loved most. She commented that whenever there was a disagreement… he would always be the one to make the first step to reconcile… not because he was wrong, but because that’s how you show love and grace… and he’s so secure in his being, he needn’t worry about being emasculated for unconditionally loving his daughter. That reasonated with me more than all that passion and drive and defining moments stuff. It’s my fatherly relationship with my Daughter.

Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Oh! Happy Day!

Work has restarted... but we're taking week off to spend more time with the kids. We go play mini-golf today, which I originally objected to because it's expensive and not fun. Turns out it WAS fun... all things considered. Then we headed into the arcades and had a blast. SW played Street Fighter. NN did her bouncy fish. I lost to Joyce in Mario Kart... and we all played Deal/No Deal together. Our very first game... we won 200 tickets! Then we kept going back... "No deal!!" Until... eventually, we ended up with the box with 1 ticket. We went to collect our prizes and both of them got the slime kit... to which they came home and started play with right away. It was as if they're still 8 and 10. Today... was a good day. It was a happy day.