Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Oh! Happy Day!

Work has restarted... but we're taking week off to spend more time with the kids. We go play mini-golf today, which I originally objected to because it's expensive and not fun. Turns out it WAS fun... all things considered. Then we headed into the arcades and had a blast. SW played Street Fighter. NN did her bouncy fish. I lost to Joyce in Mario Kart... and we all played Deal/No Deal together. Our very first game... we won 200 tickets! Then we kept going back... "No deal!!" Until... eventually, we ended up with the box with 1 ticket. We went to collect our prizes and both of them got the slime kit... to which they came home and started play with right away. It was as if they're still 8 and 10. Today... was a good day. It was a happy day.

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