Sunday, July 14, 2024

Hate wastin'

 A few days after landing from Hawaii... I find pineapples for sale for $0.99 at a local Asian-mart.  Was jones-ing for those Golden Pineapples that can only be found on the island... so I bought one.  Much to my [expected] dismay... it tasted horrible.  I dipped it in salt water to wash away the acidity... but none of the family members wanted anywhere near that thing.

A week of sitting and marinating in it's own juices... I knew it was time to get some bananas and make a pineapple smoothie.  I got the bananas... and then now it's the banana's turn to sit an marinate on the counter.  Just wasn't feeling up to making a smoothie... and uncharacteristically.. we actually end up eating those bananas.  So now... the pineapples are rotting and I'm out of bananas.

I finally made a run to TJ's and got three bananas... was about to make me a smoothie... when I pop open the fridge, roll back the saran wrap and see... mold.  Aye... I waited too long.  I thought for a Hawaii second whether to just toss the moldy ones and keep the clean ones.  "Nah... don't wanna get sick."  Sigh... into the garbage it goes.  $0.99 - wasted.  

To punish myself... I sat down and ate the 20 remaining, dried up, pruny cuties we bought for camping back in the end of May.  

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