Thursday, July 04, 2024

I'm still his hero...

Some things I noticed about SW on this trip... is he still observes me... admires me...and to some extent, mimics me.  Case in point... 

We're on the plane and just ate our complimentary pizza bagel.  I take the wrapping... smash it up into a ball... and stick it into the seat pocket in front of me.  Out of the side of my eye... I see SW do exactly the same thing.  

Or a few days earlier... we're playing golf.  I pick up my tee after driving and stick it on my ear.  SW saw me do that... and he aptly pulls the tee out of his pocket and puts it on his ear.  

Or the time when the family is share Flow-nase at the hotel... before I spray, I do a courtesy wipe of the nozzle.  When I hand it to SW, he does a courtesy wipe also. 

I old was I when I stopped mimic-ing dad and found my own? Or more appropriately... how old was I when I discovered dad wasn't as cool as I made him out to be and started doing my own thing?? 

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