Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Woe is me

 This Hawaii trip... more than any recent events... are really showing signs of me aging.  SW jokingly says "You're past your prime."  His joke isn't false.  I am aging.  Slowing.  Losing it.  That edge.  That sharpness.  That intellectual and physical prowess.  That energy level...  just isn't what it use to be. 

Shoulda seen it coming from before the trip.  I didn't deep dive like I use to in planning.  I only got one... instead of 3-4 vacation books.  And the pre-travel schedule was... sparse.  I opted to "let it flow" with a mishmash of beaches, restaurants, and a collage of stamp hitting.  It'll come back to bite me - Fail.

Saturday before take off... I buy the 3 day national park pass.  Only for me to forget on Monday morning... and remember Monday evening... to get my Sunrise Tour pass, which by the time, was sold out.  After kicking myself for 30 minutes... and the family trying to console me... I opted for plan B.  Get the Spoiled Rich Asians to log on while I'm on a plane and hopefully get that pass.  Otherwise... the $30 National Park pass... wasted.   Missing my purchasing window - Fail.  Letting the cart lead the horse - Fail. 

Upon arrival at airport... for whatever reason, I skipped the checkin kiosks, and thereby skipped printing the check-in luggage sticker.  I get to the front of the line... only to be sent (wait for it) with my bags packing.  Wasted 10 minutes.  Travel gaffe - Fail. 

Upon landing... being tired, hangry, and a little off my game... I get into a huge fight with NN at the Food Truck stop.  Completely and utterly unnecessary...and I just couldn't control myself.  Fatherhood - Fail. 

Day 2 of heading out... and I can't find the car keys.  Did I drop it? Did I leave it in the car? The car is locked... so no.  I call Lost and Found - nada.  Went back and forth between the garage and room.  Fruitless.  Was about to call the Car Rental Agency for help... and instead, got a call from Nui Nui.  "In the words of Momma - Found it."  It was in my backpack.  Missplacing keys - Fail.

After a round of golf where I was bumbling and fumbling with golf balls, tees, drinks, bluetooth speakers, letting golfers play through, finding lost balls, scraping up divots in the sand pit... returning our golf carts and getting back in the car... I forget my wallet.  Luckily the worker found it and sped it to me.  Forgetting my wallet - Fail. 

Running the rental car into the parking lot column... and scratching the side of the car...  Not with my driving skills.  Not with my parking skills.  No!!  But alas... turning down CDW.  Fail.

For all these fails... I'm sure there were equally as many, if not more, successes.  And yet, these are the things I remember from an otherwise, pretty perfect trip to paradise. 

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