Friday, January 31, 2025


One of the most annoying parts of CNY... is the annual stuffing of the 利是。 All this work.  I get it... it's a symbolism of a blessing.  But seriously... move on with modern age.  We've got Zelle and Venmo. 

I complain a lot... in reality... I love handing them out, especially to my American co-workers.  They love receiving these and they're always curious as what's inside.  It's the whole stuffing part that annoys the heck out of me. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The Year of... the Rat!?!? Part Quatre

 It was bound to happen.... the house is too small for the two of us.  It's you or me!!  

At around 6:30 this morning... I was heading to work when... as I started down the stairs, I noticed a shadow by NN's room.  I took a step back... doublechecked my vision... then I turned on the hall way light and there it was.  Staring straight at me. (cue "Good, Bad, and Ugly western music).

You!!! You who have plagued my house for months.  You who dug into my Merci chocolate under my bed.  You who chewed a hole in NN's backpack.  You who ate into my pasta and cornbread.  You... who probably though unconfirmed... scratched and gnawed on my foot that one fateful night when I thought it was a nightmare.  

I ran downstairs to grab a broom.  In my mind... I was going to sweep it to the left or right... and knock it unconscious.  But woe is me... NN just happened to have left the door to her room open. And without fail... Mickey slipped his way in.  I had a moment of consideration.  Do I go in and startle NN...?? Or is this it??? 

My adrenaline was on full blast.  I started sweating. It was time. This is it.  Final Boss.  I go into NN's room... wake her up... and kick her out.  I had Mickey trapped.  

NN got up... startled and scared as heck, as if something bad has happened.  I calmed her down saying... "Everything's ok.  I'm gonna catch the rat." 

Inside NN's room... was a mess.  And Mickey could've been hiding anywhere.  One by one... I threw NN's stuffed animals onto her bed.  Nothing.

Then I went into her closet. Methodically... I removed one thing at a time.  Each time... prepping my broom to thrust or swing.  Before I knew it, her closet was empty.  Mickey wasn't there.  I shut her closet door as tight as possible so it can't hide in there.  

Her bookshelf is next.  Again... slowly and silently... I started removing things.  Books.  Stuffed animals. Cups.  (Gwarsh... my daughter is messy).  Then... when I was about to give up... I see a ball with a string.  Could that be it.  Could Mickey be hiding in the corner????

Aptly... I pushed one corner of the bookshelf smack into the wall to limit its escape route.  One shelf at a time... I continued emptying the contents... until.... I touched a stuffed gnome and "tak-tak-tak-tak-tak!!!"  Mickey got startled and started scurrying away.  He ran to the other side of the bookshelf... but it was blocked.  Trapped!!! He had no where to go!!!  The trick worked.

It tried to hide by not moving.  Some animals believe that predators hunt with motion.  And if it stayed motionless... I won't see it.  Ohhhhh Mickey.... I'm not your typical predator.  I see you.  I see your body breathing.  I see your whiskers whiskering.  I see your heart beating... just as fast as mine.

This entire time... I was holding my broom like a spear.  Ready to launch. Ready to jab.  Ready to put Mickey out of his (and my) misery. 

The bookshelf... as much as I tried... still had a bunch of crap.  Mickey found himself "hiding" behind a bunch of binders.  Perfect.  The binders are sharp and hard.  This is it buddy.  You're done!!  Using my broom... I started shoving the binders hard hoping to crush that beast.  SHOVE!! SHOVE!! SHOVE!!!

Silence.  Was that it....? Did that do the job.  I stepped back... waiting to reap the rewards of my hunting expedition.  And then... Mickey popped his face out staring at me.  Laughing at me.  MOCKING me!!  "Ha!! You idiot!! You're pathetic!!!"

By now... I was dripping in sweat.  It's been almost an hour since our first encounter.  And the standstill was never more still.  I kept my eye on my prey... while building a wall behind me.  The last thing I needed was for Mickey to scurry away behind my back into another part of the room. 

This standoff continued.  I was helpless.  I tried getting a garbage can and some empty boxes to trap it.  But there was no way I can reach Mickey behind the shelf.  There was simply no room.  I then did what any husband would do in a moment of helplessness... I called in reinforcements.  I called for my wife. 

There was no way I can capture Mickey on my own.  I asked Joyce to bring me my traps.  I know I know. Inhumane. Unethical.  But desperate times... calls for desperate measures. Mickey was now bouncing back and forth from shelf to shelf.  Dishing and dashing. Thinking it stood a chance of survival.  Any other day buddy... any other day.

I laid the trap in its escape routes.  The trap had bait... good ol' Honey Nut Cheerios.  If you run... you're gonna get stuck.  If you snack, you're doomed.  This is it.  Final chapter. Armageddon. And within minutes... Mickey got hungry.  Ahhhhh... but you're just a beast afterall with a pea sized brain. Mickey fell for the trap.  He moved and started nibbling on the Cheerios... on the glue sticky pad!! HAHAHAHHAHA.... you're done for!!!! Say goodbye... you're mine now!!!!

And then... as fast as it got on the trap.  It jumped right off.  WTH!!??!?? The glue doesn't work!!! It hasn't worked.  The top layer must've oxidized.  Not only do I not have my prize... it's now a re-energized prize... with more the reason for Bugs to laugh at Elmer Fudd.  Further reinforcements were needed.  I screamed for Joyce to bring me my snap traps.... and also my work phone.  I started cancelling all my morning meetings.  This has gone on for 90 minutes... who knows how much longer it'll last.  

Mickey was now surrounded... it was against a corner.  No where to go.  No where to hide.  I had traps laid out at every exit point.  And all this... cuz I wanna sweep it into a box and dump it outside.  With my full court press.... Mickey Maholmes still managed to bounce away!! Skipping.  Scurrying.  Bouncing.  This time... past my cover 2 defense onto the other side of the room behind the safe confides of our router!!!  The warm router that gave off a white noise buzz became it's latest santcuary.  And as luck would have it... NN's desk legs was every bit of a protection.  Making it impossible for me to approach.  There was no direct, simple route to tackle Mickey. 

Nearly two hours into this death match... I felt like I just started over.  I had Mickey trapped.  There was no escape route.  I had traps laid out in all escape routes.  It was a matter of time... and I had all morning.  But now... everything restarted.  Except... Mickey was rejuvenated.  Out it the open.  Sure... I had it cornered... but with his speed... he can run amuck... and there's no guarantee I can keep up.  

Once again... I started building a wall.  A wall to encase it as much as possible.  Like a mime in a conventional street performance... the walls got smaller and smaller.  The tight space got tighter and tighter.  If not caught by my broom... Mickey will be suffocating from claustrophobia.  

I brought the traps from one corner of the room to another.  The entire time... holding my broom like Thor held Mjlonier.  You move. I move.  You jump. I stab.  Traps were laid.  It didn't move.  I didn't move.  A million thoughts crossed my head including my hunter instincts (forgive me), the thought of getting a knife... taping it to the handle of the broom and stabbing Mickey.  

Then... as if everything was pre-orchestrated... as the final seconds started to tick away between Gokul and Freeza... between Ani and Obi Wan... between Megatron and Optimus.... "One shall stand.  And one shall fall."  Mickey decidedly tried to leap to freedom.... only... his leap was straight onto the peanut butter/marshmellow bait.  Faster than a mouse can scurryinng away (heh)... with all the energy built-up from the spring mechanism... Rocky's metallic arm delivered the coup de grace onto Ivan Drago.  "SNAP!!!"

Mickey fell.  Mickey collapsed. Mickey rested.  Ironically... Mickey's final resting spot... was the very glue trap that did anything but trap.  The body shook.  It tried to get up - fruitless.  Strength was draining away.  His belly's breathing rhythm started to slow down.  I couldn't bear to watch anymore.  Mickey wasn't getting out of the trap... I couldn't bear to watch anymore.  I grabbed a little bin... and covered up the aftermath of the battle.  I couldn't bear to watch anymore. 

2+ hours has passed since our initial encounter.  But realistically...our initial encounter was more like 4 months ago when I first found my cup of noodles being violated.  When I found droppings all over the garage... the dining room... the kitchen.  Our initial encounter... was now the final chapter of Mickey's book.  Tom caught Jerry.  Sylvester caught Tweety. Wyle E. Coyote caught the Roadrunner. 

I didn't want it to end this way.  No Mickey.  I didn't.  How I wish you could've quietly been swept into a box.  How I wish I could've set you free to be with your family and friends.  How I wish.... and now... my wish is simply to move on.  

Sunday, January 19, 2025

貪得無厭 續集

Make it stop!!!

Just got an email today from the library... that the book that was in the bag with the spilled soda was "damaged to a point it can no longer circulate." And I'm being charged $25 + $5 service charge.

Wooo... wooo.... all that for a little extra orange soda.... 

Saturday, January 18, 2025


At SW's volleyball tournament... and he was in a foul mood after gut-wrenching lost. We decided to cheer him up with a $5.50 soda.  Luckily it's refillable.  So I kept going back and forth to get my money's worth.  The concession stands were closing... so I made one last trip... and this time to refill my water bottle with soda (Hahahahhaha!!!) on top of the soda cup.

I refilled it... quickly dumped the bottle in my bag... refilled the cup... and headed back to the court.  By the time I got to the court... I was dripping!! (or my bag was).  Apparently I didn't close the lid of my water / soda bottle and it emptied out everywhere.  Soaked my book... the junk in the bag... and most importantly... my portable battery.

5 days later after drying it out... the battery doesn't work anymore.  Grrrr!!!!  One moment of greed leads to an expensive, EXPENSIVE, cup of soda.  

Tuesday, January 14, 2025


Went out to have birthday dinner with dad.  Again... he loves celebrating the Lunar birthday, not Gregorian. It was special... took him to a semi-upscale place by the Embarcadero and he was absolutely giddy... too a point where he ordered red wine to go with dinner.  He hardly ever drinks.  

As I was driving him home... he started saying random things like... our village superstitious of having to throw a big 5-0 birthday party so that our children will be certain to get married. 

Or how he explicitly told me to tell the kids... when they earn money in the future... to first buy mom something.  Mom first. Mom always.

Tears started to well up.  I suddenly realized... that these moments... can be few and far between.  He's 77 this year.  Who knows how many more of these dinner we're going to have.  Who knows how much longer we can have these types of conversations.

As we parted... he said, "個仔同我食飯, 今晚開心到睡不著。“

Monday, January 13, 2025


Every year... I'll wait for Dad's Bank of Orient calendar. This year... it started with a Cheung Hing calendar (on the left).  Everybody hated it - including the kids! Then last night... the proper calendar came home and now all is good. 


Saturday, January 11, 2025

The Year of... the Rat!?!? - Part Trois

Traps were set.  I was expecting to see a squirming fuzzball on the other side of the snap trap.

I wake up in the morning.... and by my fridge.... one of the two traps flipped!!! It worked!!! The rat fell for it... and got hit.  But no signs of a carcass or a body.  It must've gotten hit.... gotten hurt... and ran.  

Darn... I was hoping this would be it.  

Friday, January 10, 2025

The Year of... the Rat!??! - Part Deux

The little glue traps... as unethical as it seems... weren't enough.  I needed to step up my game.

This time... I went back to home depot and got the big glue traps.  I got the good ol fashioned snap traps... the one you see on Tom and Jerry. Whatever pest control was trying to do... ain't working. 

So I tried setting up the traps myself.  

Of course... with zero experience with those snap traps... I inadvertently snapped my own finger!!! Despite all the warning labels.  

The youtube video said use a raisin... and cover it in peanut butter as bait.  I didn't have raisin... but I have marshmellows.  Let's see how this goes....This is it... this is WAR!!!!

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

The Year of... the Rat?!?!?!

Lunar New Year is around the corner... but since summer of last year... our household has been stuck in a do-loop of commemorating the year of the friggin rat.

It all started in late August... when one day... I discovered my Cup of Noodles were chewed into.  Half the box was gone.  Started cleaning up the garage and discovered more and more rodent droppings and other food items devoured into... including an entire box of Costco Microwaved popcorn.  We called pest control in early September and they set some traps and rat poison out.  On 9/14... we discovered the body and thought that was it..... 

Don't have the exact timeline anymore... but it must've been sometime in October.  One night when NN went to volleyball practice... we discovered Liquid IV came out from a hole in her bag.  She thought it was a tear... I saw it and right away knew... the rat is back. 

Soon after... I started Merci chocolate wrappers in the kitchen room floor.  How?! What?!

And then one fateful night... I heard it under our bed.  Scratches.  Noises.  It woke me up in the middle of the night.  I had a feeling it was rodents... so I made a bunch of noise and turned on my flash light to scare the guy away.  I was too sleepy to do anything.  

And then I occurred to me... several weeks ago while asleep... I felt something scratch the bottom of my feet.  I let out a scream... thinking it was a nightmare.  Oh my goodness... the rat was chewing on my foot!!!!

Late November... I continued to see Merci chocolate wrapping on the kitchen floor.  Occassionally... the living room garbage would be found dug into and spilled on the floor.  So I went and bought a couple of "humane" traps and a bottle of mouse repellant.  The trap is suppose to lure them in... one way in, no way out.  I put it in the kitchen and garage.  Each day... I wake up hoping to find a prize in my boxes.  Nothing.  They haven't even touched the bait of Cheerios. 

In early December... I contacted the pest control again and said the rodents are back. They came out and explained that rats are outdoors and mice are indoors.  We have an infestation of both.  So he set some more traps and bait (poison) around the house hoping in time... our guests will help themselves out. 

After a while... I wanted to test things out to see if the rat poison and traps worked (like the first time). So I put some cheerios on the garage floor and underneath my living room console and the kitchen corner.  By morning... they were gone.  Our guests... had a feast. 

That's when I finally decided to look underneath the bed.  That noise... from a few weeks ago.... was actually a mouse in our room.  I had a canvas bag that was ripped to shreds. The documents in there were all chewed up.  And lo and behold.... in the middle of that canvas bag.... was a pack of Merci Chocolate that someone gave me to a few years ago that I didn't want to eat... but wanted as a sentimental keepsake.  The rat smelled it all the way from the garage!?!?!?!?!? How many times did I keep coming back to help themselves???????

Once again... we called pest control.  Once again... they set traps and food (poison).  Middle of December... I got fed up.  I went to Home Depot and opted for the "unethical" solution... I bought a pack of the sticky mats and put them everwhere.  Under neath the bed... under the living room console table.  I sprinkled some Cheerios as bait hoping I can nab the culprit.  The next morning.. I woke up to examine my prize.... and I saw the glue pad had flipped over.  The Cheerios were gone.  I flipped it over and saw some mouse hair stuck onto the glue.  I almost got it!!! 

If one trap wasn't enough... this time, I placed three.  One next to another, next to another.  I added some Cheerios again as bait.   This was going to be it.... I had it this time.  I go to bed with a smile on my face... thinking I had outsmarted Mickey.  Next morning I wake up to examine the trap.... they're no longer in a neat row.  One is on the other side of the living room and one of the sticky trap... is flat out missing!!  No clue where it went!!!  Must've gotten stuck to the rat... and he ran off with a trap on his back or something. 

For the umpteenth time... we call pest control.  They're saying it's not a cute little mouse... it's a rat.  Nothing the technician can do... but toss away our teeny-tiny glue traps... and set up more professional traps.   Give it a week... it should take care of the problem.

Every morning... I wake up... and I examine the kitchen and dining room floor for mouse/rat poop.  And without a doubt... sometimes there'll be 1-2.  Sometimes there'll be a bunch.  It's still here!  There are days when it's silent... and I would hope that it's gone...gone... gone.

Then towards the end of December, we took a little trip out of town.  The day we get back... not only was there rat poop in the kitchen... in the dining room... it was also in OUR room.  And in NN's room!! The house ran amuck everywhere when we were gone.  I drove to pick up some dinner... and Joyce texted me... "The rat got into our pantry."  There were pictures of a half eaten bowl of buldak.  Our spaghetti was gone.  Ripped to shreads.  The dude went to town.

Throughout the Christmas holiday... we were home almost all the time, into the wee hours of night.  So I thought we'd scared it off with our noise and lights (unlike when we took off for vacation).  Everything was quiet for about two weeks.  I'll occassionally see rat poop in the morning... but nothing too major.  At the turn of the year... things took a turn for the worst.
Last week.. as usual... I woke up and walked surveyed the kitchen and dining room. Of course, there was rat poop everywhere.  On our counter... the corn bread that was in a plastic container was eaten into.  The rat... ATE THROUGH THE PLASTIC!!!  And for some reason... the microwave was pushed out about 5-6".  Ugh.... the rat got behind there and started to frolick.  I tossed the cornbread... shoved the microwave back into place... when... BOOM!!!! The rat jumped out from behind the microwave!!!!!  I almost smooshed it!!!! 

It was scared.  

I was scared.

I grabbed a broom and chased.  It ran away towards the fireplace. 

I didn't know where it went.

Back in the kitchen... it came back another door way and went behind the fridge.

I tried to corner it and started jabbing the broom blindly and frantically like a mad man.

It worked.

I scared it enough.. the rodent succurried out the other side and ran for heaven and earth.

I started to chase.  But couldn't see it anymore.

It was gone.

But for the first time... I saw it FACE TO FACE!!!! IT'S ALIVE!!!!!! 

Monday, January 06, 2025

Jam session

It was supposed to be a jam session... turned out more like an audition!!!  Mean Dean is on his game and here I am.. the guy with no music training whatsoever.  HA!! But alas... I passed and I'm back!!  

Sunday, January 05, 2025

Worst Nightmare

What is your worst nightmare????

I'll give you one.... how about watching your child injure themselves on the court/field... and then lay motionless for minutes which equates to eternity.  Thankfully (PRAISE GOD!!) she walked off on her own power.