Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Year that Never Happened

2002 was one of the worst years of my life. Joyce graduated and struggled hard to get a job. Then when she finally found a job, I got my pink slip. Shortly after I started my new job after 6 months of unemployment, she gets laid off. Those memories are remedied by the fact we're both employed. God was providing.

But there was one event, one wound, one nightmare that has not even begun to heal. I've pushed that memory aside to the point where I claim 2002 never happened. No matter how hard I try, no matter how deep I go into denial, no matter how far I've repressed it... the events still lurch in the shadows.

This weekend, the events were particularly resurrected with the enshrinement of Jeff Kent to the Giants Wall of Fame. All the journalists haaaaaaaad to make Kent recount the events in 2002 cuz they know he'll talk. And they know it'll generate an audience and ratings. And of course, there are guys like me who are masochistic enuf to suck it in no matter how hard we try to turn away.

I so depressed... to a point where my eyes are literally tearing up as I recount the events of that fateful October night. When will the wounds mend? God...will you provide?

Mood: depressed


Roy2000 said...

Yes He will! I have some similar or even worse shadows in my past few years. But God promised He will lead you through.

This is from a worship song

你永恆的愛 天天帶領我 脫離羞恥與綑綁

It is a really good song.

Anderson said...

I was there with yah bud......maybe it was the conversation with Raj Matthai on the plane or even going to spring training to watch the 2003 Giants. Even the fact that Kent wasn't there made it different.

Or even Jose Cruz dropping the ball in the playoffs made me in a way "forget" that 2002 year.......

But Kent coming back and his mustache gleaming in the sunlight does bring back those hurtful memories......