Monday, August 10, 2009

The Price for Convenience

Roughly 2 and a half years ago, I laid off my gardner and even blogged about it here:

That was fine. I didn't really have a front or back yard for him to work on. And I get to save some money each month. After laying out sod, I started taking care of the lawn myself. But as time wore on... it was apparent I didn't quite have the tools or the knowledge nor the time to take care of things. My front lawn was dying. My bushes were growing out of control. Weed was propping up everywhere. My backyard is a warzone!

So two and half years later, I finally threw in the towel and hired a gardner. We went with a recommendation and so far, things seem to be working out. Their first day went extremely well. They shaved off 4 years worth of bushes that the old gardner never even touched. They checked out the sprinkler system to ensure my foliage are getting enough water. And they not only mow the lawn, they rake off the mulch. Simple things the old guys never did!!

So I'm back to spending some extra cash every month. But that's the price you pay for convenience...

Mood: relieved

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