Monday, August 31, 2009

1 in 20

Two weeks ago, I woke up with a sharp pain on my left wrist. On the infamous hospital pain scale of 1 to 10, it's a good 7. But only when I make a fist and rotate it towards the pinky side of my fist. My first thought - carpel tunnel. Years of typing didn't do anything - but recently, I've been working some crazy hours on a laptop. Second thought - it could be the Bowflex. I may have used it wrong and hurt myself while working out.

Two weeks and the pain didn't go down. So I went to see the doctor today and he says I have tendonitis. A little of it is work related. But the culprit.....? Lifting my daughter wrong!!! GEEEEZ!!!

I go get fitted for a splint. The Sports Medicine guy says 19 out of 20 are women come in for the same reason. Only 1 in 20 will men come in for this reason. Once again, I'm in the minority.

Mood: painful

1 comment:

Anderson said...

I'm glad you didn't blame it on the Crossbow (its not bowflex).