Saturday, August 01, 2009


Just bought, literally, over a 1000 pairs of diapers. Oh... how I wish I can potty train her by 3 months.

Mood: astonished


Anderson said...

Aren't resuable ones coming back to fashion.....

I'm gonna pick the Mets next time for MVP Baseball....

got henry? said...

dude... you don't have to leave a comment for the sake of leaving a comment.

Anonymous said...

my mom said u can stimulate a baby by shuuuuuuu or emmmmmmmmm her every morning (or whenever u want her to pee pee or poo poo), then BB will get used to the schedule and start to have pattern on the potty time!!

it works... on me.. hahaa

got henry? said...

unfortunately, we've been using "shuuuuuuuuuu" to keep her quiet to help her sleep.