Thursday, August 13, 2009

Role Reversal

Remember those movies where the over-bearing parents switches bodies with the under-performing son/daughter? Off the top of my head, I can remember the Dudley Moore/Kirk Cameron version and the Lindsay Lohan/Jame Lee Curtis movie. Well, that happened to me yesterday.

Auntie Sandra and Uncle John are visiting from overseas and they want mom to come down to spend a weekend with them in LA. So I go through weeks of plan, booking, emailing for mom to try to get her this trip.

So many times n the phone, I can hear she's ecstatic and scared at the same time. Like a little girl, going to her first overnight slumber party or camping trip.

There she was, the past few days, she was so nervous she couldn't eat. Her stomach as upset. She kept calling and asking all these questions about boarding passes and checking in. I tried my best to reassure her.

And here I am, waiting for mom to call at every tick of the tock - expecting her plane to land, expecting her to safely find her way around LAX, expecting her to get lost and muster her English to find her way back.

Since when does the child, become the parent? When does the student, become the master?

Mood: contemplative

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