Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Chito....my cuate

Chito came up from Santa Maria this week, for business. He calls me up and says he wants to hit up Pac Bell for a Giant/Dodger game. How fitting. The tickets were sold out...so I ended up going onto Craigslist to get some bleacher seats. The night started out bumpy when Chito and his friend Pat got off work late. I was worried...cuz I said I'll meet the ticketseller at 6:15. Luckily, she called and said she'll be running late also. We got to the park earlier than anticipated...but ended up waiting a little too long for her to show up. Ended up missing the National Anthem, the starting line up and the first pitch.

Alas we found our seats, in the bleachers, in the midst of a Gay and Lesbian organization. That was interesting. =) Dodgers scored on us first...but Giants came right back. There were great offense, small ball, and great defense - Jason Ellison threw out Bradley who tried to score from second. We even had two HRs...one of them by our very own Jason Schmidt.

Alex was able to show up for a few innings and the night ended early. I actually left a Giants game early for once. Left in the eighth inning...but made it back to the car in time to tune into the Giants closing out the game. Giants win 5-3. My first win of the season...and it's against the Dodgers, while sitting next to one of my best friend who happens to be a huge Dodger fan. How fitting. It was unfortunate Chris couldn't make it.

But the night wasn't about the Giants game. It wasn't about showing someone the beauty of San Francisco and the miracle of Barry Bonds and Pac Bell. I think it was about spending some quality time at a baseball game with your buddy, your pal and enjoying a mutual interest together. Baseball, for the most part, is boring! But for 3 hours, we sat there in each other's presence, enjoying the fact that we have each other as friends...and that will never ever change. Regardless of race, gender, nationality, and yes....even if he's a Dodger and I'm a Giant fan.

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