Tuesday, May 31, 2005

So long....farewell....

On May 31, 2005, I finally move out of the place I called home for the past 4 years. That dinky little apartment had it's pros and cons. The cons - it got really really hot during the summer and really really cold during the winter. Our neighbors weren't the friendliest. We lived on a semi-busy street so occasionally, we'll get cars/bikes zooming by at 60 in a 25 zone. The pros - 5 minutes from work, 10 minutes from Ranch99, right next to a park, minutes away from brother, seconds away from freeway and walking distance to Safeway and Starbucks.
A lot happened during those 4 years. That's my first "place" since graduating from college. I got my first job while living there, paid off my college accrued credit card debts there, got laid off while living there, kicked my girlfriend out there, saw the rent drop from $1400 to $1000 ($100 a year), bought my Miata while living there, proposed while living there, bought a house while living there, baptized while living there...basically went through my raging 20's all in one spot.
The very last piece of item we removed from the apartment is the microwave. Give me a few days and I'll think of some philosophical mumble-jumble metaphor for the microwave.
Quite fitting...on the last day we move out, Mark stopped by to "unload" some "stuff." Spent the last moments of our time at Quebec Court together...up to no good. =)

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