Sunday, May 29, 2005

Paulo and Grace

My future sister-in-law and brother-in-law tied the knot today. Their wedding was quaint, but touching. It resembled their personalities to the very last pixel. They don't like the spotlight...but those people who try to dodge the spotlight always-always catches the most attention. Grace was beeeee-youtiful. Paulo was the gentleman of gentlemen.....

Unfortunately the traffic on Sunday was soooooooooo bad, Joyce and I got there 20 minutes late! ARGH!!! For our own sister's wedding...I felt sick. Who would've known traffic will be that bad?! We got there in time for the vows though...and the first kiss...and the presentation.

Their reception was fabulous. Made everyone feel right at home. Most importantly, this was the dress rehersal for what's coming up in October. (DUM DUM DUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM)

May our heavenly Father bless this new couple with his grace so they will find trust, security, hope...and everlasting love in each other.

Congratulations to me!! I've always wanted a little brother and little sister!!! I got two in one day.

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