Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Spent...and confused

Just finished my Linear Algebra final. Goodness, that thing was a monster of a test. A 2 hour final that took me 3 hours. And I still wasn't done! I really don't know what he's trying to pull by giving us computationally insane problems to work on. Anyhoo...another class bites the dust. I get, at least, a 4 days rest before my next class starts. Maybe we can finally work on the house now that I have some free time.

Wedding invitations went out this week. Got some responses already - but the big story is, we're short on invitations!! The folks invited more people than we anticipated. Ended up having to use an evite for some of my friends HAHAHAHAHA... shame on us for not having better foresight of this happening. Ah well...who needs a real invitation nowadays. They end up in the trashcan anyways. And people get their maps via the internet. Hopefully, people will understand that I'm not shortchanging them. I'm frugal, but not cheap. Okay..I'm cheap, but not OVERLY cheap.

As I was passing out the invites, one of my friend says, "WOW! This is the first time I've received a red-bomb." My response, "COOL!! This is the first time I'm passing out red-bombs!" Hrm....

Was at Borders studying last night when I took a break and started thumbing through the book, The Holy Spirit, by Billy Graham. I don't know how to coin everything, but I'm definitely not feeling at ease right now. I perused through a bunch of other books and my mind started churning some more. There's this heavy burden resting on my shoulders right now - and I'm not sure why it's there. Heck..I'm not even sure what it is!! I just know I need to do something - but what?? Maybe the problem is, I'm looking for answers in books and through people. When the answer can only be found through prayer. Geez.... why now??

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