Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Where's the stench coming from??

For the longest time, we noticed a stench inside the house. But couldn't sniff it out!! The other day, Joycie finally noticed a leak in our Main Bathroom. There was a leak from the base of the toilet. The leak isn't big...so it's not noticeable. Water seaps out whenever we flush - yeah...contaminated water. Ewwwww......

Jumped online and found (luckily) an easy fix to the problem. We went to Home Depot and bought a $3 wax doughnut. This doughnut sits between the ceramic and the pipe coming from the ground. We think the contractor who laid out the lunolium didn't do a good job. Other than getting a little wet and having to lift a 200lb toilet, the process went pretty well. We got the job done in about an hour. For me, that's a near miracle!!

Saved couple hundred bucks from hiring a plumber. Phew....

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