Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Young Adult Summit

July 4th weekend 2005, along with 100+ other brothers and sisters drove up to South Lake Tahoe and enclosed ourselves in a get-away resort called Zephyr's Cove. Arrived on Friday evening around 5PM, checked in and had dinner. After dinner was worship and message delivered by Pastor Joe and Cora Philips. Friday night, we didn't want to go to bed so early so we stayed up and played the game Settlers. Had a chance to meet and bond with a few of the English Congregation friends. Went to bed at 3:30AM. It'll be hard NOT to buy that game now. =)

Saturday morning, woke up around 630AM to enjoy the presence of God and absorb the beauty of his creation in the form of Lake Tahoe. We even had a few hours of free time to go lounge at the beach and hike around the resort after our workshops. The final message of Saturday night was on the man they called Simon the Cyrene, which happens to be one of my favorite stories in the bible. That message, along with prayers from Pastor Ted allowed me to receive the Holy Spirit in the most unsubtle ways. So powerful and mysterious!

I have to be honest...I didn't think I was going to get anything out of this retreat. Originally, the theme didn't interest me at all. Huda thunk? My eyes are forever opened and widened. My mind is forever expanded. My spirit is forever ignited. Now let's take the gift and fan it into flame!!!

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