Thursday, July 20, 2006

Spare the Air Day (Part Deux)

Sigh... another day without wonderful, wonderful AC at work. Actually, this is the third time this week my company has shut down AC. But this time I came prepared. Came to work in shorts and brought a little deskmount fan. Thank goodness Monday was the hottest day of the week. Phew.... looking forward to a Winter already!!

From TWA a few days ago...

"Houses and wealth are inherited from parents,
but a prudent wife is from the LORD."
--Provberbs 19:14

God has really blessed me with a prudent wife, who loves God, loves me and loves to EAT!!! To me, eating is so attractive... it ranks up there with sense of humor and lack of bad odor for my qualifications in a mate. Thanks to a couple of sisters who educated Joyce in the art of steaming crabs, we were able to satisfy our craving for seafood once again. (Shout out to Candy and Becca!)
We went to Lion City in San Jose to buy our dinner for the evening and the clerk grabs the crab and immediately stuffs it in the bag without letting us inspect it. Immediately, I felt a surge of heat coming from my right side, as if someone turned on the furnace. It turns out, my prudent wife, was giving the clerk the eye of the tiger.

"The crab is dead!" says the prudent wife.

The clerk returns with a dirty look and says, "LIVE! LOOK!" And he hurls it across the chopping board. The crab moves one, maybe two of it's 8 legs for a second, then stops.

The furnace gets hotter and hotter. "It's not moving!!" exclaims the prudent wife.

A more elder clerk walks by and yells, "It's alive!" He grabs the crab and SQUEEZES the bottom of it -- trying to force the crab to struggle. It does, for a few seconds, but returns to a state of dormancy.

"I want another one." grumbles the prudent, but clearly frustrated, wife. Staring down the clerk with her eye of the tiger.

And voila...we have crab for dinner. So delicious to be blessed by God. AMEN!!!


Anonymous said...

"Hurray" to your prudent wife with her tiger eyes!!! wahahahaaa...

Anonymous said...

Da! Da Da Da! Da Da DAhhhh!!!! Da! Da Da Da! Da Da Dahhhhhhhh!!!Rising up..............

It's the Eye Of The Tiger!