Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Spared yesterday...but not today (STAD - Part III)

Yesterday was another Spare the Air Day. Once again, my company was committed to keeping the lights on in California. At approximately 10:30AM, the campus PA goes off, broadcasting that the AC will yet again be shut off from 2PM to 6PM in certain buildings on the campus.
Everybody was listening closely as the annoucer read off the building numbers one by one. "157" , "156", " ...and 158" As the final number was read, the collective energy of hope in our building cresendos through the rooftop!! Were we hearing things?? Did our building get spared? The annoucer re-read the annoucement, and indeed, our building was spared!!! But that was yesterday... today, it's back in the sauna for me after 2PM. Lovely....

On a different note, I read an interesting fact from Peter King, renowned Sports Illustrated columnist, talk about parking at a baseball game. He arrived late to Fenway (Boston) and there was zero parking. Finally, he found a gas station about 3 blocks away that was charging a whopping $90!!! Peter King salutes the owner for his entreprenuer spirit and drives off. He ends up parking in an "invented spot" along a yellow curb. After the game, he comes back finding a $25 parking ticket. $25 vs. $90. I think Peter King won...

Having said that, I now feel inspired to launch my third series of soapbox rants. Following "Bathroom Jabbers" and "Why I Like Sports" comes... "Finding Parking."

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