Monday, July 31, 2006


Crossed my "tees", dotted my "eyes", did a final spell check... 11 pages, double spaced, size 11 Times New Roman font, mucked with the margins a little and my paper on IP Law is packaged and sent. AWAY YOU GO YOU PIECE OF CYBER JUNK!!!

July 31st unofficially marks the end of my school year. Between today and September 18, I get roughly 7 weeks of FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (hop around, jumping up and down, pumping fist in celebration!)

August is gonna be BUSY....with a captial "B". Big things happening in August, off the top of my head...
  1. Amazing Race
  2. Climb Half Dome
  3. Scrub down the jacuzzi
  4. Reinforce the gazebo in the yard
  5. Install electrical outlets/switches in the house
  6. Fix the darn plumbing... (why does it never end?)
  7. Rediscover my stroke (DRIVING RANGE BABY!!!)
  8. Read an average of 2 non-sports-related books every week
  9. Prepare for the overdue housewarming
  10. Slim down to 165 lbs of lean muscle (or glorious blubber...whichever)
  11. Build up my alcohol tolerance in preparation for France and Italy
  12. Plan my European trip!!!
  13. Learn French and Italian (at least the words for all the food)
  14. Celebrate the inevitable big "2-5." (Denial is a good thing)
  15. Furnish the rest of the house
  16. Learn to play tennis
  17. Fix my computer (was it the HDD or the Mobo that crashed?)
  18. Sharpen those Analog Circuit Design skills... (heh...)
  19. Cities and Knights (ANNNNDERSON!!!!)
  20. Somewhere in between all that... I think I'll sit back, relax, bust open a cold one and enjoy a Giants / Niner pre-season game...

Praise God!! LIFE IS GOOD......


Anonymous said...

I think you need to go to real golf courses to hone your skills....18 hole with a cart!

Cities and Knights! It's a must!

Anonymous said...

I wanna climb Half Dome!!!
But.... not now...


Peter Chan said...

hey, put the #9 on the top of your list