Monday, August 28, 2006

Anyone can be a plumber...

Last night, my toilet handle breaks. I lifted the tank lid and find the part has literally broken in half. No chance in Pluto being in the Solar System of fixing it. So I had to devise a mechanism to last me through the night until I can make a run to Home Depot. I dig through my boxes of junk and I find a SERIAL MOUSE!!!! Some of you may not even remember what a PS2 mouse looks like... and the Serial Mouse came before the PS2!! Anyhoo, this goes to show that anyone can be a plumber...


Anonymous said...

Good Job! we should invite you to our house... there are plenty to do here...

Anonymous said...

I still have a serial mouse that goes to my 486 somewhere....I still have my 486 and it still works...33 MHz baby!

Anonymous said...

nice idea ... i hope no cat will take the mouse away.

Anonymous said...

wowow....i guess this is prob. the most innovative way to use the mouse....!!!! - sandy

fivepluszero said...

oh man... you still have a serial mouse?????