Sunday, August 20, 2006

Discipline of Meditation

Couple of weeks ago, I was led to a different way of seeking God -- through waiting upon the Lord. At the same time, our cell group began studying the disciplines of meditation and prayer as described in Richard Foster's Celebration of Discipline. Unlike other forms of mediation where their goal is to empty themselves to reach a state of selflessness, Christians seek to empty themselves of the sinful self and seek to be filled by the Holy Spirit.

As a mediation exercise, we chose to spend 15 minutes mediating on the shortest verse in the Bible, "Jesus wept" (John 11:35). Some of the responses we gathered were:
  1. It was hard to stay quiet cuz we naturally start praying. - So, so true. Why are we doing all the talking?
  2. Is Jesus weeping today? - What are we doing today that's causing him to weep? All our sins, all our rebelliousness, all of our self-righteousness.
  3. Weeping, as opposed to wailing, is the expression of deep sorrow. - Like the time I wept when I came to grips that a dear brother of mine will be leaving for Hong Kong. I was overcome not with sadness, but with sorrow. The sorrow of departure was overwhelming.
  4. The Bible doesn't mention "Jesus laughed." - Why do I portray Jesus as a stoic, strict teacher? Does He have a sense of humor? Will He laugh at my jokes?

All in all, most of us encountered God in a different way. If we're able to continue getting in tuned with Him, will we not find ways to listen to His heartbeat? Feel His breathing? Catch His pulse? Share His thoughts?

Next up... Disciplines of Fasting and Studying.

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