Monday, October 30, 2006


This Sunday's message, Law C-mo spoke of "The Three Losts." Actually, I think she spun off into many more different types of LOST - but they more or less centered around the three major ones:
  1. The Lost Sheep
  2. The Lost Coin
  3. The Prodigal Son

Ironically, that was the subject of my weekend - LOST. To be more specific LOST - Season 2.

Starting Thursday night and ending Sunday afternoon, Joyce and I polished all 22 episodes of Season 2 of the ABC TV Show - LOST. I would almost equate it to people watching Korean Soap Operas...a masochistic pleasurable pain. But this was the first weekend in a long time where we decided to completely put off homework, studying, yardwork, etc....

Unfortunately, Season 3 is on-going on ABC right now... so we won't be getting Season 3 on DVD until, earliest, summer of 2007. Oh well... back to yardwork I guess...


Anonymous said...

LOST. Never saw an episode. I'll probably pick it up when the series is over so I can watch all the seasons through one week or something like that.

When I saw this word, it made me rearrange the S and put it in front of the L to get SLOT.

I think they should line up Vernon Davis or Michael Robinson in the SLOT and utilize their athletic more weapons for Smith to work with...

fivepluszero said...

OHHHHH LOST! i only watched 3 episodes :p

You have Season 1 for me to borrow??