Friday, January 26, 2007

No suave...

I don't got "suave." What is suave??? It's what you have when you can go into a room and people automatically migrate towards you for reasons they can't comprehend. It's what you have when you're negotiating, you can make the other party WANT to come down in price. It's what you have when the words you roll off your tongue curtail to what the guy wants to hear but not what the guy wants to think. It's what you have, so you get the girl to buy YOU a drink instead of the other way around. I ain't got suave... I ain't smooth. I tell it the way it is... and I let my emotions overtake my mind and common sense. Oh... and today was another painful experience. Wisecracks are funny and humor is appreciated when it's not directed at your Director in front of the world. that I'm typing this out, I remember God specifically reminding me about this last week via TWA, "The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver refined in a furance on the ground, purified seven times." Psalm 12:6 God told me to think before refine my words. Heh... goes to show that TWA is not just a daily bread.

On a different subject... Imagine if you were on the bottom of Half Dome and some guy at the top of Half Dome told you to have a goal in life, to work hard, and to scale this geographic behemoth. Hrm....


Monday, January 22, 2007

Does this bother you?

"Rep. elect Keith Ellison, the first Muslim elected to the U.S. Congress, will use a Koran once owned by Thomas Jefferson during his ceremonial swearing-in on Thursday."

And lookie here. Both Hillary and Obama are running!! Is America ready for a black or woman president!?!? 2008 is gonna be FUN FUN FUN!!!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Why I like sports ...

"As the humble leader of this organization, I must give all the glory to God." --Jim Irsay (owner & CEO of the Indianapolis Colts) upon winning the AFC Championship and receiving the Lamar Hunt trophy.

And just moments later...

"I thank the Lord for all His blessings." --Tony Dungy (head coach of the Indianapolis Colts) upon winning the AFC Championship and receiving the Lamar Hunt trophy.

...followed by...

"I ain't into monkeys" --Peyton Manning (quarterback of the Indianapolis Colts) upon winning the AFC Championship and receiving the Lamar Hunt trophy.

uhmmmm...... yeah.......

Friday, January 19, 2007


I'm a selfish, immoral, obstinate, partial, self-absorbed bigot who has no right to judge someone when the only person I ought to judge is the man I call, me. Ever get that urge to stare in the mirror...and want to reach across, grab a hold of yourself, slap yourself across the face to wake yourself up?!?!?

It's none of my business. It has no implications to harm or benefit me. I'm just a third party or even a fourth party who has no direct correlation to anything that's going on. So what's this burden I'm carrying right now? Who am I to care? Who am I to bother? The worst part is... I know I shouldn't feel this way. My mind is pushing me one way but my heart is pushing me to the other. And sometimes they swap.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Saturday, January 13, 2007


The much hated Dodgers are revolutionizing their baseball ticket sales technique. Rumor has it that starting this year, they are selling All-You-Can-Eat Tickets to their home games, in an attempt to have their fans stay past the 6th inning!!! Imagine all the cotton candy, cracker jacks, dodger dogs, nachos, garlic fries one can eat!

Now if only the Giants can do the same!!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

WWHD - What Would Hank Do?

I get my syllabus yesterday and under GRADING POLICY, I see:

GRADE = (0.4)*MT + (0.6)*FT
Which simply means the midterm is worth 40% and the final is worth 60%. But the interesting twist to this formula is if we miss the midterm for whatever reason (travel, sick, overslept, etc...) then the formula becomes
GRADE = (1.0) * FT
Now...finals are usually comprehensive. But we all know that finals are usually weighed more towards the material from after the midterm, which is just half the stuff. So the question is, should I just skip the midterm, and gamble my entire grade on one test? Or maybe I'll go take the midterm...if I think I'm doing bad, I can walk up, rip up the test and walk out. WWHD?

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

It's official...

picture courtesy of

The votes are in. The verdict is out. The tribe has spoken. Whichever cliche you are inclined to use, Cal Ripken Jr. and Tony Gwynn are on their way to the Hall of Fame while McGwire has to wait another year (receiving 23.5% of the required 75% of the votes).

McGwire is the litmus test for players of the steroid era. His unforgettable Summer of Love back in 1998 when he and Sammy Sosa, hand in hand (or bat in hand) saved America's past time after the infamous '94 Strike season. (BTW...Matt Williams was on his way to 61 that same season. Just as the Expos were on their way to run away with the NL Pennant). Prior to him ripping his uniform with the bulging muscles and incredible-hulking into an unidimensional slugger that does nothing but hit a ball very very far, McGwire was already one of the most feared batters in baseball, hitting 49HRs his rookie season. He stayed out of the limelight, unlike his peer at the time Canseco, and always shone with the "golly-gee" aura that was anything but pretentious.

Compared to another Big Mac who was also a slugger, McGwire's numbers are definitely HOF worthy. His HR totals are higher than Willie McCovey's. (583 vs 521). His career batting average is slighty below Willie McCovey's (.263 vs .270). His slugging % is above Willie McCovey's (.588 vs .515). His fielding percentage is a tad higher than Willie McCovey's (.993 vs .987). As a slugger, that's really all you're asked to do, right? Hit the beejeezus out of the ball and smile at the camera. But the Basewriter's Association of America want answers. They are not satisfied with "I'm not here to talk about the past..." gimmick McGwire gave in front of Congress. As Tom Cruise once said, "I WANT THE TRUTH!!"

This is monumental day for not just baseball, not just sports, but American culture in general. And the day will come, probably in about 7 years or so, when Barry Lamar Bonds will be under the same microscope and scrutiny.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

So long...Mah-B

For the past three weeks, everytime I come home, after saying "Hi" to the wifey and putting my keys down, the very third thing I do is saying "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Mah-B!!!!!"

Tonight, I came home from dinner. Set my keys down...said "Hiiiiiiiiiii Mah-B!!!!"...turned on the living room light and there was a big empty spot where his cage use to be. Sigh.... Mah-B has returned back to Daddy Daniel. My days of being a pet owner has officially come to an end (minus the snails, spiders, etc... that I raise out in the yard).

Three weeks isn't a short period of time, neither is it long. But it's enough for me to get use to him being around. I won't have to rush home every day to feed him. I won't have to check his water bottle anymore. Nor do I have to leave the heat running at night to keep him warm.

Until next time Daddy Daniel goes back to Hong Kong....

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Disturbing to say the least...

Every time I read Genesis 9:4 I get the chills...

"But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat." (KJV)

Hrmm..... gotta reconsider "Medium Rare. "

It's official...

As the 110th Congress convened... kinda creepy though having all those kids up there with her...