Sunday, January 07, 2007

So long...Mah-B

For the past three weeks, everytime I come home, after saying "Hi" to the wifey and putting my keys down, the very third thing I do is saying "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Mah-B!!!!!"

Tonight, I came home from dinner. Set my keys down...said "Hiiiiiiiiiii Mah-B!!!!"...turned on the living room light and there was a big empty spot where his cage use to be. Sigh.... Mah-B has returned back to Daddy Daniel. My days of being a pet owner has officially come to an end (minus the snails, spiders, etc... that I raise out in the yard).

Three weeks isn't a short period of time, neither is it long. But it's enough for me to get use to him being around. I won't have to rush home every day to feed him. I won't have to check his water bottle anymore. Nor do I have to leave the heat running at night to keep him warm.

Until next time Daddy Daniel goes back to Hong Kong....

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