Wednesday, January 10, 2007

WWHD - What Would Hank Do?

I get my syllabus yesterday and under GRADING POLICY, I see:

GRADE = (0.4)*MT + (0.6)*FT
Which simply means the midterm is worth 40% and the final is worth 60%. But the interesting twist to this formula is if we miss the midterm for whatever reason (travel, sick, overslept, etc...) then the formula becomes
GRADE = (1.0) * FT
Now...finals are usually comprehensive. But we all know that finals are usually weighed more towards the material from after the midterm, which is just half the stuff. So the question is, should I just skip the midterm, and gamble my entire grade on one test? Or maybe I'll go take the midterm...if I think I'm doing bad, I can walk up, rip up the test and walk out. WWHD?

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