Tuesday, January 09, 2007

It's official...

picture courtesy of CNNSI.com

The votes are in. The verdict is out. The tribe has spoken. Whichever cliche you are inclined to use, Cal Ripken Jr. and Tony Gwynn are on their way to the Hall of Fame while McGwire has to wait another year (receiving 23.5% of the required 75% of the votes).

McGwire is the litmus test for players of the steroid era. His unforgettable Summer of Love back in 1998 when he and Sammy Sosa, hand in hand (or bat in hand) saved America's past time after the infamous '94 Strike season. (BTW...Matt Williams was on his way to 61 that same season. Just as the Expos were on their way to run away with the NL Pennant). Prior to him ripping his uniform with the bulging muscles and incredible-hulking into an unidimensional slugger that does nothing but hit a ball very very far, McGwire was already one of the most feared batters in baseball, hitting 49HRs his rookie season. He stayed out of the limelight, unlike his peer at the time Canseco, and always shone with the "golly-gee" aura that was anything but pretentious.

Compared to another Big Mac who was also a slugger, McGwire's numbers are definitely HOF worthy. His HR totals are higher than Willie McCovey's. (583 vs 521). His career batting average is slighty below Willie McCovey's (.263 vs .270). His slugging % is above Willie McCovey's (.588 vs .515). His fielding percentage is a tad higher than Willie McCovey's (.993 vs .987). As a slugger, that's really all you're asked to do, right? Hit the beejeezus out of the ball and smile at the camera. But the Basewriter's Association of America want answers. They are not satisfied with "I'm not here to talk about the past..." gimmick McGwire gave in front of Congress. As Tom Cruise once said, "I WANT THE TRUTH!!"

This is monumental day for not just baseball, not just sports, but American culture in general. And the day will come, probably in about 7 years or so, when Barry Lamar Bonds will be under the same microscope and scrutiny.

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