Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Another lesson in life...

Been struggling recently with the idea of moving into Management. I've never seen myself as a manager. I don't like dealing with timecards, performance reviews, schedules, deadlines and most notoriously, I hate managing personalities! I rather deal with a piece of dead hardware.

Well...I got my first taste of management today when I had to officially "lay-off" my gardener.

We initially cut his hours back from once a week, to twice a month. But as time progressed, we noticed we were just paying him to mow our lawn! And when our lawn of grass evolved into a lawn of weed... we realized it was time to sever our ties with him.

I still remember (and cherish) the day I got my pink-slip. The empty feeling of hopelessness and depression is still very familiar to this very day (though it's been 5 years). If my ex-gardener has the same feeling, he definitely didn't show it. Or maybe it was because he didn't understand my broken-Spanish.

5 years from now, my ex-gardener may not even remember who the heck this young Chinese guy was that laid him off. But not me. I'll probably forever remember this day, this morning, this conversation...this moment in time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like how you put "young" to make you feel better! Haha! Principal Leung....always 25!