Friday, March 07, 2008

Almost back to normal...

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第67日. 晴

Didn't go into work today. Despite my manager pulling all the stops (less of a threat) to get me in. I think the jetlag has truly passed... but everytime I go into to work, I'm basically filling out my own pink-slip form -- which is laying myself off. Instead, I spent a good part of the day sitting outside a Jamba Juice, spending time with Abba, listening to random gossips about boyfriends and girlfriends, and in fact taking a peek at some work stuff.

A friend we met 6 months ago is leaving for HK for good. How sad...was really hoping this friend can stay and be part of our family. But this friend has her agenda and US lifestyle is just not her cup of tea. And there are those who want to stay in the US but for legal reasons, can not.

The cough is back. Been sweating through the night again. Argh... I thought this virus was out of my system. Please pray for me


Anonymous said...

Isn't it true that those that want cannot have, yet those that have do not want.....there's always an irony to it.

I'm going to HK to open a bakery that sells biscuits to McDonalds.......

Anonymous said...

so if, for one year, i don't want a world series, the giants will actually win one?

Anonymous said...

Like this year!