Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hot Pot City

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第87日. 晴

With my wooden chopsticks, I picked up the steamy, crunchy slice of lamb, dunked it in the self-made sauce (a mixture of satay, soy, garlic, onion, ginger, chili, sesame and a raw egg) and gently yet assuringly placed it atop of my tongue. The hickory, pleasing aroma, the silky, smooth texture, the scintallating flavor dissolved into my tastebuds - causing every muscle in my oral cavity to tingle with sheer sensation. My overzealous tongue began to push and shove the slice of animal tissue around the salivac cave, while the enamels of ivory chomped and grinded ever so hastily, releasing more and more of the juice that can only be concocted in a fairy tale. The battle between my mouth and the piece of lamb crescendos when the esophagus muscles grow jealous of the enjoyment felt by my mouth and begin to contract -- inhaling what's left of the burnt carcass. Oh... how I enjoyed that first piece of meat at Hot Pot City.

Life has it's many ups and downs. Allow me to share one of my ups - Hot Pot City (HPC).
  • HPC is the place to go on a chilly Spring evening.
  • HPC is a place where some feel the food is unclean - yet I've always convinced myself the boiling water can disinfect.
  • HPC is a place where you walk in feeling gloomy and walk out smelling like a lunch truck.
  • HPC is a place people claim the meat is not fresh - though I've always compensated with a bowl of self-made sauce.
  • HPC is a place where we'll drive 6 hours roundtrip (from Cal Poly mind you) for a "quick dinner."
  • HPC is a place where it just - "hits the spot."
  • HPC is a place where many think is overpriced - but I've always been able to eat my money's worth (and pay for it).
  • HPC is another reason why I can't ever move out of the Bay Area... I simply can't.

Now, if only HPC will start serving egg nog lattes...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
