Saturday, July 26, 2008

Poop poop poop....

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第210日. 晴

It's not that I don't like dogs. Dogs are amazing! Supposedly "man's best friend." As long as dogs learn to stay away when I'm not in a mood to play, as long as they don't lick and slobber over me and as long as they don't chase me around like I'm a criminal.

But it just fumes me when I find dog-poop on my lawn!! Do I blame the dog or the owner? I know it's the same dog that always poops there. How do I know??? Cuz the diameter of the poop is always the same. And the location of the poop is roughly the same. How I wish to put up a sign saying:

"Pedestrians welcomed to walk on my lawn to pick up after your dog."
"Cameras installed. If your dogs poops on my lawn you will find your dog sent to your house in a doggie bag."
"Don't forget to flush"

Thursday, July 24, 2008


沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第206日. 晴



我要每天每刻都讚頌祢是 神
我要每天每刻都讚頌祢是 神

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Midsummer Classic

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第197日. 早上有雲, 下午天晴

"Bring out the Hall of Famers."
-- The understandable rally cry from a weary fan during a 14th-inning trip bathroom trip.

The Midsummer Classic held true to it's name - it truly was a classic. Going 4 hours and 50 minutes into the 15th inning - the longest in MLB history, the darn AL continued it's Goliathian dominance over the Davidic NL. (Yes... that was intentional. Where's my sling and stone?)

Some personal highlights: (with a bit of a West Coast bias)
-Steinbrenner coming out in the pre-game ceremonies like the Pope
-Dustin Pedrioa bringing out gloves for Jeter and Arod?? What was Francona thinking?!
-Knowing, just knowing that Brian Wilson was going to blow that one run lead...
-...only to see that it was the OTHER NY pitcher who blew it! (HA!)
-Yankees fans booing Papelbon off the mound
-Timmy being hospitalized for "flu like symptoms" on the biggest day of his life?!??!?!

and the king of it all....
-the Sashimi Feast at the So's. Ohhhhhhhhhh so much fish... I'll never eat fish again!!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Pick up here...

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第196日. 早上有雲, 下午天晴

Ever go to a restaurant (not just Fastfood places) that take your order and give you a number. Then you wait till your number is called to pick up your food?

Ever have that inherent fear that someone else will pick up your food cuz the "food distributor" didn't bother checking the person's number and automatically assumed the food-picker-upper will know?

Ever wonder why they hand out numbers and not double check?

Well... this happened to me today. Except, I intercepted someone's food! HA!! My bad!!

Not entirely my fault though!! The announcer didn't pronounce the number clearly. The order was almost the same as mine (two sandwiches and an order of fries). And no one else got up to claim the food. Naturally, hungry that I am, snatched it. Only to find out my philly cheesesteak turned into a hot-link sandwich?!?

Ah well... such it is. Be more careful next time...!

Monday, July 07, 2008

Enlightenment from Pruning

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第189日. 晴
Been working on our front yard for a few months now. But it seems like the yellow leaves on the bushes never turn green. No matter how much water, fertilizer or plant food I use, it's always a hunk of yellow. Finally took out my sheers and pruned away the outer layer - only to unveil a lucious layer of green leaves hiding beneath the yellow! WOW!

Similarly, God is constantly changing us. It's probably not noticeable or detectable cuz we're not looking at the right places. Remove our facades, look deeper within and you'll notice how much life you have inside.

This enlightenment brought to you by Hank the Gardener with a dysfunctional front yard and a warzone of a backyard.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

"...thy kingdom come..."

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第188日. 晴

With a majority of the Cantonese Congregation in Livermore for the annual CS Camping Trip and a dozen of the Young Adults in Lake Tahoe for the YA Summit, it was a heavenly worship experience today during Sunday Worship unlike any I could remember. The singing from the people was so loud, so passionate, so energetic, it truly felt like the heaven came down to earth this morning.

So this is what worshipping in heaven will be like. Thank you for opening my eyes once again, Father!!