Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Midsummer Classic

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第197日. 早上有雲, 下午天晴

"Bring out the Hall of Famers."
-- The understandable rally cry from a weary fan during a 14th-inning trip bathroom trip.

The Midsummer Classic held true to it's name - it truly was a classic. Going 4 hours and 50 minutes into the 15th inning - the longest in MLB history, the darn AL continued it's Goliathian dominance over the Davidic NL. (Yes... that was intentional. Where's my sling and stone?)

Some personal highlights: (with a bit of a West Coast bias)
-Steinbrenner coming out in the pre-game ceremonies like the Pope
-Dustin Pedrioa bringing out gloves for Jeter and Arod?? What was Francona thinking?!
-Knowing, just knowing that Brian Wilson was going to blow that one run lead...
-...only to see that it was the OTHER NY pitcher who blew it! (HA!)
-Yankees fans booing Papelbon off the mound
-Timmy being hospitalized for "flu like symptoms" on the biggest day of his life?!??!?!

and the king of it all....
-the Sashimi Feast at the So's. Ohhhhhhhhhh so much fish... I'll never eat fish again!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A lot of the older HoFers looked either non cognizant or tired. I loved it when Stretch got out of his seat to acknowledge the crowd! That was awesome! The Boss didn't look too good. Were those the only living Yankees HoFers? Where was Joe Morgan? I knew Brian Wilson was gonna do somethin crazy! Uggla was ugly yesterday....