Monday, July 14, 2008

Pick up here...

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第196日. 早上有雲, 下午天晴

Ever go to a restaurant (not just Fastfood places) that take your order and give you a number. Then you wait till your number is called to pick up your food?

Ever have that inherent fear that someone else will pick up your food cuz the "food distributor" didn't bother checking the person's number and automatically assumed the food-picker-upper will know?

Ever wonder why they hand out numbers and not double check?

Well... this happened to me today. Except, I intercepted someone's food! HA!! My bad!!

Not entirely my fault though!! The announcer didn't pronounce the number clearly. The order was almost the same as mine (two sandwiches and an order of fries). And no one else got up to claim the food. Naturally, hungry that I am, snatched it. Only to find out my philly cheesesteak turned into a hot-link sandwich?!?

Ah well... such it is. Be more careful next time...!

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