Monday, July 07, 2008

Enlightenment from Pruning

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第189日. 晴
Been working on our front yard for a few months now. But it seems like the yellow leaves on the bushes never turn green. No matter how much water, fertilizer or plant food I use, it's always a hunk of yellow. Finally took out my sheers and pruned away the outer layer - only to unveil a lucious layer of green leaves hiding beneath the yellow! WOW!

Similarly, God is constantly changing us. It's probably not noticeable or detectable cuz we're not looking at the right places. Remove our facades, look deeper within and you'll notice how much life you have inside.

This enlightenment brought to you by Hank the Gardener with a dysfunctional front yard and a warzone of a backyard.


Anonymous said...

*O* 萬水千山總是情... your song selection always amazes me...

Anonymous said...

Anderson! I love your song selections!

Anonymous said...

that's cuz we're from the same generation!! anyone else who hears it will be like, "Huh?" "Whud?"

Anonymous said...

Huh? Whud? Not my generation.
so 老土!

JI Annie said...

oh.. good.. i was just wanna to talk about your song...

i just wanna say

once i open your blog, i can see you and joyce playing with the butterflies with the net...

Hank wears the grey Chung San Chong and Joyce wears the pink Siu Fung Sin and the 2 Ma Bin...

