Monday, August 31, 2009

1 in 20

Two weeks ago, I woke up with a sharp pain on my left wrist. On the infamous hospital pain scale of 1 to 10, it's a good 7. But only when I make a fist and rotate it towards the pinky side of my fist. My first thought - carpel tunnel. Years of typing didn't do anything - but recently, I've been working some crazy hours on a laptop. Second thought - it could be the Bowflex. I may have used it wrong and hurt myself while working out.

Two weeks and the pain didn't go down. So I went to see the doctor today and he says I have tendonitis. A little of it is work related. But the culprit.....? Lifting my daughter wrong!!! GEEEEZ!!!

I go get fitted for a splint. The Sports Medicine guy says 19 out of 20 are women come in for the same reason. Only 1 in 20 will men come in for this reason. Once again, I'm in the minority.

Mood: painful

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Year that Never Happened

2002 was one of the worst years of my life. Joyce graduated and struggled hard to get a job. Then when she finally found a job, I got my pink slip. Shortly after I started my new job after 6 months of unemployment, she gets laid off. Those memories are remedied by the fact we're both employed. God was providing.

But there was one event, one wound, one nightmare that has not even begun to heal. I've pushed that memory aside to the point where I claim 2002 never happened. No matter how hard I try, no matter how deep I go into denial, no matter how far I've repressed it... the events still lurch in the shadows.

This weekend, the events were particularly resurrected with the enshrinement of Jeff Kent to the Giants Wall of Fame. All the journalists haaaaaaaad to make Kent recount the events in 2002 cuz they know he'll talk. And they know it'll generate an audience and ratings. And of course, there are guys like me who are masochistic enuf to suck it in no matter how hard we try to turn away.

I so depressed... to a point where my eyes are literally tearing up as I recount the events of that fateful October night. When will the wounds mend? God...will you provide?

Mood: depressed

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Book of Job

The Book of Job is one of my favorite and also one of my least favorite. It's my favorite because that was one of the memorable stories from Sunday School (taught my Mrs. Lau). It has a simple beginning and a simple ending.

But it's one of my least favorite cuz chapters 3-41 has my head spinning. All three friends sound correct. The little boy sounds correct. Job sounds correct. Yet - they're all wrong!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's that time of the year again...

Mood: confizzled

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Nui-Nui's First Stickers

Nui-Nui earned her first two stickers today! It wasn't from Mahmee or Bahbee, nor was it from a Sunday School Teacher. But it was from that evil lady with the pokey-pokey!!

Friday, August 14, 2009


今天買lunch, 當打開銀包時, 明明重有二十鈫... 竟然冇現錢! 部Lunch Truck 又唔收卡. 幸好有個friend行過. 先先重懷疑自己年紀大, 近排又唔多夠瞓, 有小小失憶.

誰知.... 原來我並非失憶. 家中有三人, 我唔會偷自己錢. 囡囡大把利是錢, 唔需要偷.

有人重敢教我: "買野前, check 清楚銀包有冇錢."
我就話: "我唔check, 因為我知道我有幾多錢. 但經過今次經驗, 我要多多提防!"

哼! 真係日防夜防,家賊難防!

心情: 愕然

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Role Reversal

Remember those movies where the over-bearing parents switches bodies with the under-performing son/daughter? Off the top of my head, I can remember the Dudley Moore/Kirk Cameron version and the Lindsay Lohan/Jame Lee Curtis movie. Well, that happened to me yesterday.

Auntie Sandra and Uncle John are visiting from overseas and they want mom to come down to spend a weekend with them in LA. So I go through weeks of plan, booking, emailing for mom to try to get her this trip.

So many times n the phone, I can hear she's ecstatic and scared at the same time. Like a little girl, going to her first overnight slumber party or camping trip.

There she was, the past few days, she was so nervous she couldn't eat. Her stomach as upset. She kept calling and asking all these questions about boarding passes and checking in. I tried my best to reassure her.

And here I am, waiting for mom to call at every tick of the tock - expecting her plane to land, expecting her to safely find her way around LAX, expecting her to get lost and muster her English to find her way back.

Since when does the child, become the parent? When does the student, become the master?

Mood: contemplative

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Price for Convenience

Roughly 2 and a half years ago, I laid off my gardner and even blogged about it here:

That was fine. I didn't really have a front or back yard for him to work on. And I get to save some money each month. After laying out sod, I started taking care of the lawn myself. But as time wore on... it was apparent I didn't quite have the tools or the knowledge nor the time to take care of things. My front lawn was dying. My bushes were growing out of control. Weed was propping up everywhere. My backyard is a warzone!

So two and half years later, I finally threw in the towel and hired a gardner. We went with a recommendation and so far, things seem to be working out. Their first day went extremely well. They shaved off 4 years worth of bushes that the old gardner never even touched. They checked out the sprinkler system to ensure my foliage are getting enough water. And they not only mow the lawn, they rake off the mulch. Simple things the old guys never did!!

So I'm back to spending some extra cash every month. But that's the price you pay for convenience...

Mood: relieved

Saturday, August 01, 2009


Just bought, literally, over a 1000 pairs of diapers. Oh... how I wish I can potty train her by 3 months.

Mood: astonished