Wednesday, September 09, 2009

The corner grocery store

Moving into suburbia, you lose the perk of having a local grocer in exchange for supermarket chains that require at least 5 minutes of driving. Luckily, I still have one of those mom-n-pop stores around the corner. It's a Persian grocery store so imagine an "Anglo", if you may, walking into Ranch 99. They're initally overwhelmed by all the foreign brands and the aquarium at the back. But after some exploration, the "Anglo" discovers all these treasures. Similarly, I'm finding out all these different types of food, beverages and spices that are sooooooooo exotic, I don't even dare to try them.

Nonetheless, anytime I've needed some ginger for my fish, or had a sudden craving for some white fuzzy peach I can always walk down my street and find that treasure lying at the end of the rainbow; my little corner grocery store.

Mood: blessed

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