Monday, September 21, 2009

"I thirst"

"I thirst." Famous words whispered as my Savior was about to breathe his last on the cross. Just a couple of years ago... my Savior also said to a Samaritan woman, "whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again."

Jesus bore our sins, the world's sins, past, present and future. To a point where He was separated and forsaken by God the Father. "Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?" To a point where even his own living water has run dry. That's how far He went to save us.

Salvation is free - but not cheap. How much more do you love Jesus for what He's done for you? Have you accepted Jesus as your Savior yet? If not - then let this be the day...

Mood: blessed


Roy2000 said...

You should post that into facebook, this is a good sharing ~

Anderson said...

Post it on Xanga.