Saturday, September 12, 2009

The streak is over

After more than 8 years of avoiding the COPS, I finally got pulled over yesterday. Not for speeding, not for running a red, not for rolling past a stop-sign, not for changing lanes without signaling. All those things I may (or may not) have committed in my brief history on the road could not taint my record. I was pulled over for not having a front license plate. Luckily, it's an INFRACTION and not a MISDEMEANOR. The difference? Other than the latter being impossible to spell, is about $50-100. Just needa get this fixed, have some law enforcer sign a form and send it into the courthouse.

After yesterday morning's fateful encounter, I can't help by want to take pictures of all the cars that pass by without a front license plate, the sleek 330, the powerful Vettes, the agile S2000, and send all those pics to that same officer. Making him hand out tickets to everyone.

Hey man... when I go down, I'm taking someone with me. How righteous is that?

Mood: vengeful


Peterson said...

I have the same experience and feeling about 8 years ago....

Anderson! said...

Don't take me down with you!!!!!

Roy2000 said...
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Roy2000 said...

This is called a fix-it ticket for simplicity sake....

~ INFRACTION and MISDEMEANOR ~ too complicated.