Wednesday, March 30, 2011


老婆開始放產假... 距離Bebe誕生只有一個月.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Return of the Potty Mouth

First it was "sit."
Then it was "fork."
Now it's....FROG!!!!!


Spiritual Peers

It's so important to have spiritual peers in your walk with Christ.

The other night... a brother came up and said, "Have you done anything recently related to witchcraft or wizardry?"  Of course... this brother has walked with me for many years and there's a certain level of trust that's been established.

Immediately, I say no... cuz I haven't sacrificed any chickens... or casted any spells or omens... or flew on a broom as of late.  But what he said weighed heavy on my heart.  God reveals everything for a reason.

Later that night... I suddenly remembered reading / singing a Disney story book to Nui-nui.... how the Fairy God Mother transformed Cinderella from a peasant to a princess.  Oh my.... not only did I "practice" witchcraft... I "casted a spell" on my daughter.

With a contrite heart... I said a prayer of reconciliation to my Lord and Savior and quickly threw that book into the recycling bin in my den.  But moments later... I felt a conviction that I should rid that book out of our house.  So I threw it away... (I know... Nazism right?) 

And all this... cuz a brother unknowingly delivered a message.  Have you received a message today...and have you delivered it?

Come back soon for a post on "Disney, Witchcraft and Christianity."

Friday, March 25, 2011

Poppin' the question....

One of the toughest question a man has to ask is none other than...THE question. 

More often than not... we know the answer to the question.  And not quite as often... the person we're asking is half-expecting the question anyways.  Yet, it's not just the question... it's the situation, the location, the timing, the position...and of course, the accompanying hardware.

Here are some insights/advice accumulated throughout the years: (some of these are mine... most of these are from others)
-don't memorize a speech, the other person won't hear a thing when realizing what you're doing
-don't get the real deal...get a fake one in case the answer isn't what you expect
-don't do it at a restaurant cuz it's not private
-don't do it at a ballpark /jumbo tron cuz it's old hat
-pick the most romantic restaurant because she'll want everyone to see how lucky she is
-there's nothing more romantic than doing it in front of 40,000 people
-tie it to the dog's collar if she's an animal lover
-don't tell the reporter what you're gonna do after the interview cuz he'll ruin the surprise
-don't tie it to a dog...cuz the dog might run away
-get the father's blessing (not permission) cuz unknowingly... and ultimately... she's daddy's little girl and daddy is always her first prince charming
-2 months salary
-3 months salary
-one knee, not two.  two knees are for much later when you're begging for forgiveness
-make sure you have a way out... in case her answer is not what you expected... and you're in the middle of a half-time show at a basketball game dressed up as the mascot
-left hand, fourth finger if you're American
-right hand, fourth finger if you're European
-middle finger, either hand if you drive in LA
-prepare 2 speeches... be prepare to forget the Speech A and go with Speech B
-write a song.... but only if your last name is McCartney, Lennon, Harrison or Starr. And I guess Clapton.
-if you're doing it while sky diving, make sure you tie a strong knot on a strong string with a GPS locator
-flowers are a good touch, but not necessary
-lots and lots of flowers.  chicks dig floral
-don't try too hard to make it memorable/romantic... the event itself is memorable and romantic
-IKEA is actually very memorable/romantic
-you get one chance to say don't stutter!
-keep it simple cuz your heart rate will be 1000 bps!
-other than know her best.  you'll know what she wants.
-and if you're wrong... tough!  she's getting the hardware! tell her to suck it up!
And ultimately... there's no right or wrong.  It's just a question, right....? What's the worst that can happen?
(Inspired by Michael Scott -- You will be missed!)

Monday, March 21, 2011

What to do... What not to do...

Nui-nui's curiosity has moved into 4th gear as of late especially on the dining table.  She'll want to eat whatever we eat... drink whatever we drink.  This morning, I was enjoying my cup of morning coffee when,  Nui-nui, as usual, wanted a drink!

What to do...
   ...let her take a sip... as she'll taste coffee, realize it tastes horrible and never want to drink again.

What not to do...
   ...let her take a sip... as she'll taste coffee, realize it tastes horrible and never want to drink again - but have her FLYING OFF THE WALLS DUE TO THE CAFFEINE!!!!!!

Lesson Learned...'s okay to have fun... it's okay to experiment... it's okay to explore.  But be ready to accept the consequence and reap the fruit that you sow!

..excerpt from my soon to be published book.. "We All Make Mistakes... the Do's and Don'ts of Child Raising" by H. H. Leung

Monday, March 14, 2011


Nui-nui started coughing unceasingly on Friday.  When the coughing turned into wheezing...we didn't hestiate to take her into the doctors.  The on-call physician immediately diagnosed her with "croup."  It's a viral infection that causes laryngitis in adults and cold/flu like symptoms in children.  Not fun to have to put Nui-nui on steroids to help with her breathing. 

The cool part is... instead of "croup", I got nui-nui to say "poop." 

So when I ask her... "What do you have Nui-nui?"
She'll smile and say... "Poop!"

With Bah-bee training her sense of humor... she's gonna grow up juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust fine. 

Monday, March 07, 2011

Sometimes you just can't win...

Incredibly pleased that potty training (or potty learning as Montessori calls it) is going oh so well!  The amount of diapers we're using have exponentially gone down.  But strangely enough... as the diaper expense goes down... the rate at which we're using toilet paper is climbing!  Sometimes... you just can't win. 

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

What to do...what not to do...

Last night... Nui-nui spilled some milk on the living room floor right next to her pretty pink chair.  She innocently sits on the chair like a choir-girl and drinks her milk.  Mommy and Daddy come out and sees the puddle of milk.

What not to do...
         ...don't yell at her or give her an irate look for spilling milk.  She knows she did something wrong.  That's why she's quietly sitting there drinking the milk.  Why make her feel any worse?

What to do...
         ...go over and gently ask if she spilled the milk.  Nui-nui nods.  Then tell her to be more careful next time. Give her a kiss and wipe up the mess together.

Lesson Learned...
          Let her know from a young age that she can trust us if she makes a mistake.  She'll come to us and together we can make things better.  If we enforce fear in her when she's 20 months... what's gonna happen when she turns 20? 

..excerpt from my soon to be published book.. "We All Make Mistakes... the Do's and Don'ts of Child Raising" by H. H. Leung