Wednesday, March 02, 2011

What to do...what not to do...

Last night... Nui-nui spilled some milk on the living room floor right next to her pretty pink chair.  She innocently sits on the chair like a choir-girl and drinks her milk.  Mommy and Daddy come out and sees the puddle of milk.

What not to do...
         ...don't yell at her or give her an irate look for spilling milk.  She knows she did something wrong.  That's why she's quietly sitting there drinking the milk.  Why make her feel any worse?

What to do...
         ...go over and gently ask if she spilled the milk.  Nui-nui nods.  Then tell her to be more careful next time. Give her a kiss and wipe up the mess together.

Lesson Learned...
          Let her know from a young age that she can trust us if she makes a mistake.  She'll come to us and together we can make things better.  If we enforce fear in her when she's 20 months... what's gonna happen when she turns 20? 

..excerpt from my soon to be published book.. "We All Make Mistakes... the Do's and Don'ts of Child Raising" by H. H. Leung


Roy2000 said...

I agree on this one. Make them come to us even if they make mistakes.

Joyce K. L. said...

I really like the way you guys handled it.