Monday, March 21, 2011

What to do... What not to do...

Nui-nui's curiosity has moved into 4th gear as of late especially on the dining table.  She'll want to eat whatever we eat... drink whatever we drink.  This morning, I was enjoying my cup of morning coffee when,  Nui-nui, as usual, wanted a drink!

What to do...
   ...let her take a sip... as she'll taste coffee, realize it tastes horrible and never want to drink again.

What not to do...
   ...let her take a sip... as she'll taste coffee, realize it tastes horrible and never want to drink again - but have her FLYING OFF THE WALLS DUE TO THE CAFFEINE!!!!!!

Lesson Learned...'s okay to have fun... it's okay to experiment... it's okay to explore.  But be ready to accept the consequence and reap the fruit that you sow!

..excerpt from my soon to be published book.. "We All Make Mistakes... the Do's and Don'ts of Child Raising" by H. H. Leung

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