Monday, March 14, 2011


Nui-nui started coughing unceasingly on Friday.  When the coughing turned into wheezing...we didn't hestiate to take her into the doctors.  The on-call physician immediately diagnosed her with "croup."  It's a viral infection that causes laryngitis in adults and cold/flu like symptoms in children.  Not fun to have to put Nui-nui on steroids to help with her breathing. 

The cool part is... instead of "croup", I got nui-nui to say "poop." 

So when I ask her... "What do you have Nui-nui?"
She'll smile and say... "Poop!"

With Bah-bee training her sense of humor... she's gonna grow up juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust fine. 

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