Saturday, November 05, 2011

And the truth hurts...

Took Nui-nui to see her pediatrician the other day... and after an hour's worth of diagnosis, we came to "any more questions for me?"  Joyce and I discussed the major tantrums that Nui-nui's been throwing and if she has any suggestions.  We inadvertently confess that the way we've been snapping Nui-nui out of those tantrums is to yell and scream.  And in the most non-attacking, yet most authoritative way, the doctor says, "I suggest you stop doing that." 

It's not like we don't know... and it's not like we want to...

But after that little pep talk / admonishment.... I suddenly have this new found strength to work with Nui-nui through her tantrums.  Hopefully this keeps up...

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