Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Halloween 2011

Last year Halloween... Anderson and the Gal Pal came over to watch Game 4 of the World Series (the Bumgardner game) and we ended up hiding half a dozen times from trick or treaters.

This year... church did a cool thing and planned a Family Prayer and Worship Night.  The setting was simple... just pizza, veggies and bottled water.  And the entire night was based mostly on educating, declaring and reclaiming what is ours. 

We didn't stay for the entire thing... cuz Nn was showing signs of lethargy.  Upon getting home... we're 10 feet from our driveway, we see hordes and hordes of TOTers still roaming the streets.  Darn!!  So we ended up crusing and circling for another 20 minutes to avoid them.

Next year.... I'm just gonna flat out open my house and hand out dental floss.  No more of this sneaking and hiding around!

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