Sunday, November 27, 2011

A shell of her former self...

Yesterday at the park... I was pretending to buy coffee and ice-cream from Nui-nui's imaginary store.  A new experience for me... but Nui-nui played along.  I gave her my orders... she took it, ran to the other side of the play structure, came back and I gave her some money.  We did that for two or three times. 

All of a sudden, I felt a sudden push on my back.  I thought it was some bully who wanted to push Nui-nui around.  Turns out, there was a line!! Lining up to "buy" stuff from Nui-nui!!  One by one... they took turns ordering food and milk and ice cream. 

I'd expect Nui-nui to simply stare at her 'customer' or turn and run away.  To my surprise, she took their orders one by one.  And as shy as my daughter is... she even mustered the words, "What do you want??" 

Wow... my daughter making friends at the playground!! That's how it's suppose to be. Some unassuming, no-hidden-agenda friendship making. 

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